For my applications I use a certain set of default grid properties as a base for each new page thas has a data grid included:
- AllowColumnResize = true
- AllowColumnReorder = true
- AllowColumnPicking = true
- AllowPickAllColumns = true
- Responsive = true
- AllowAlternatingRows = true
- AllowSorting = true
- AllowPaging = true
- AllowFiltering = true
- Search in a non-case-sensitive manner.
- Selectable columns.
- Translate texts to German when you do not use multi language support.
- Enable sorting function.
- Enable Complex filtering.
- Set default number of rows to 15.
- Set paging options to 15, 25, 50, 100.
- Adjust column headings so that all headings are readable.
- Enter default column widths in percentages.
- Set density to compact.
- Set delete button image size to extrasmall.
- For boolean values, use checkboxes in the columns and set to disabled. Code for Value: ${data.SYSTEM == 1}.
- Set delete button for SYSTEM values to invisible with ${data.SYSTEM == 0}.
- Set sorting for main query.